Working together with Pennsylvania, for Pennsylvania.
For over 40 years Pennsylvania’s LDDs have taken the lead in community and business initiatives, coordinating and delivering services on behalf of their member counties as well as the Commonwealth.
Pennsylvania Local Development Districts
The Pennsylvania Local Development Districts (LDDs) provide Business Development Services, Federal and State Grant Assistance, Government Contracting Assistance, International Business Development Services, Community Development Services and Transportation Planning in fifty-two (52) counties of Pennsylvania. Our seven (7) LDDs in Pennsylvania work with many Federal and State agencies to enhance community and economic development in our regions of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
1. Northwest Pennsylvania Regional Planning & Development Commission
Executive Director - Jill Foys
395 Seneca Street
Oil City, PA 16301
Tel. (814) 677-4800
Fax (814) 677-7663
Email: info@northwestpa.org
Website: www.northwestpa.org
2. Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission
President, Executive Director & CEO - Rich Fitzgerald
42 21st Street, Suite 101
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Tel. (412) 391-5590 x0359
Fax (412) 391-9160
Email: rfitzgerald@spcregion.org
Website: www.spcregion.org
3. North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning & Development Commission
Executive Director - Jim Chorney
49 Ridgmont Drive
Ridgway, PA 15853
Tel. (814) 773-3162
Fax (814) 772-7045
Email: ncprpdc@ncentral.com
Website: www.ncentral.com
4. Southern Alleghenies Planning & Development Commission
Executive Director - Steve Howsare
3 Sheraton Drive
Altoona, PA 16601
Tel. (814) 949-6500
Fax (814) 949-6505
Email: sapdc@sapdc.org
Website: www.sapdc.org
5. Northern Tier Regional Planning & Development Commission
Executive Director - Frank Thompson
312 Main Street
Towanda, PA 18848
Tel. 888-868-8800
Fax (570) 265-7585
Email: info@northerntier.org
Website: www.northerntier.org
6. SEDA Council of Governments
Executive Director - Kim Wheeler
201 Furnace Road
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Tel. (570) 524-4491
Fax (570) 524-9190
Email: information@seda-cog.org
Website: www.seda-cog.org
7. Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance
President & CEO - Jeffrey Box
1151 Oak Street
Pittston, PA 18640
Tel. 866-758-1929
Fax (570) 654-5137
Email: info@nepa-alliance.org
Website: www.nepa-alliance.org

How We’re Supporting Pennsylvania’s Economy
Fifty-two counties in Pennsylvania are served by Local Development Districts, multi-county organizations providing services in such areas as community and economic development, transportation, international trade, strategic planning and much more. Counties share information through their LDD, respond to common concerns, and develop solutions to today’s critical issues.
Impact Report: 2022-2023 Fiscal Year
ARC/EDA Assistance
The seven (7) Pennsylvania LDDs provide technical assistance to applicants within our regions seeking grant funding from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) and the Economic Development Administration. The LDDs helped secure over $25,085,932 in grant funding, which leveraged $24,555,789.
Grant Funds Received: $25,085,932
Funds Leveraged: $24,555,789
124 grants
Business Financing
Firms are expanding, new companies are forming, and jobs are being created/retained. Utilizing programs that work with banks and industrial development groups in Pennsylvania’s Appalachian counties, LDDs are financing manufacturers, retailers, research and engineering firms, agricultural businesses and more.
Value of Loans: $35,879,874
Number of Loans: 144
Funds Leveraged: $98,585,781
Businesses Assisted: 1,506
Government Contracting Assistance
The LDDs provide services such as individualized counseling, electronic bid matching, interpreting bid packages, identifying new market opportunities and assisting with the registrations necessary to procure government contracts and helping businesses to understand and comply with the terms of their contract awards.
Government Sales: $773,546,858
Businesses Assisted: 2,646
Regional Export Network
The LDDs serve as the coordinators for the Regional Export Network (REN), conducting export readiness assessments, identifying market expansion/development opportunities, providing trade leads and assisting with the preparation of global sales strategies.
International Sales: $708,045,588
Businesses Assisted: 992
Transportation Planning
As designated Rural Planning Organizations (RPO) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO), the LDDs work with counties, local governments and PennDOT to plan, program and establish transportation priorities. The LDDs also provide training through the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), which provides technical information and proven technologies dealing with roadway maintenance and safety methods to meet the growing demands on municipal governments.
Project Dollars Let: $500,816,598
Projects Let: 273
LTAP Sessions: 79
Personnel Trained: 1,091