Business Development
The Local Development Districts are committed to helping small and medium sized businesses in Pennsylvania by providing technical and financial assistance.
Business Finance
LDDs offer several financing programs for businesses who want to expand or for new business ventures. Eligible applicants could receive $100,000, $200,000 or up to $5.5 million. Working with local banks and industrial development groups LDD staff puts together a customized financing package for each business. Specific terms and conditions vary according to funding source. The LDD finance specialists serving your area can help determine whether your project would be eligible for funding assistance.
International Business Development
LDD staff provides assistance to small and medium sized companies. Helping businesses evaluate potential international markets and develop strategies to export goods and services successfully. The LDD staff serving your area can help answer your exporting questions, whether your company is new to exporting or you wish to expand your existing international business.
Government Contracting
The federal government buys over $400 billion worth of products and services. Interested in learning how your firm can get a share of this market? LDDs can help, offering free individualized counseling, bid match services and resources to help businesses understand and compete in the government marketplace. An LDD counselor can help determine if a business is ready for government opportunities and how to best position that business for success. Businesses interested in evaluating the potential to sell goods and services to the government should contact the LDD in your area.

The LDDs offer several programs and services that assist with the efforts of keeping, growing and locating businesses in Pennsylvania. LDDs administer the job retention program called Engage!
The LDDs coordinate the Partnership for Regional Economic Performance (PREP) program in their regions. In partnership with other agencies the PREP program directs the business to the provider who can best assist them.