Local Development Districts are designated by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PENNDOT) as a Rural Planning Organization (RPO) or a (MPO) Metropolitan Planning Organization. The RPO or MPO provides a forum where state, regional and local decision-makers identify issues/opportunities, conduct studies and make informed recommendations regarding the programming and implementation of transportation projects. Specific duties include:
Developing and adopting a long-range transportation plan that sets priorities for transportation improvements that will receive federal and state funds. This plan must stay within projected revenues and must meet federal air quality standards. It must cover at least a 20-year planning period, consider all modes of transportation and support the region’s community development goals.
Developing and adopting a four-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to fund specific projects and implement the long-range transportation plan. The TIP may not exceed projected revenues.
Works cooperatively with county and municipal governments, transit authorities, and state and federal agencies.
Serves as the regional consensus-building body.
Provides technical assistance to member governments, such as traffic counts and forecasts, mapping, census and other statistical data.